in·cul·cate | verb
to instill an attitude or idea by frequent instruction and repetition;
e.g. We have to inculcate good manners and values in our children from a very young age.
res·ur·rect | verb
to bring something or someone that is dead back to life;
e.g. In the video game, players are able to resurrect themselves if they die, with a rare power-up.
whack | verb
to strike or hit with a hard or sharp blow;
e.g. She whacked the puck across the rink with her hockey stick.
Phrase & Idioms
in a row
In a continuous, uninterrupted series; happening one after another.
e.g. We have won the championship three times in a row.
Phrasal Verb
run around after (someone)
to do a lot of things for someone else, such as cleaning or getting things.
e.g. She spends most of her time running around after her husband and kids.
"That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson