Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Split

to break into pieces or to cause something to do this, especially into equal parts;

e.g. The pants are so tight that they will split if she tries to sit down while wearing them. We agreed to split the sandwich and each eat half, because it was so big.

to divide or separate into groups or individuals;

e.g. We decided to split up so that we could search the house faster.

(British) to reveal someone's secrets and betray their true or confidence (used as "split on");

e.g. She promised she wouldn't split on him as long as he did what she told him to.

(informal) to suddenly leave from a place;

e.g. They decided to split from the party before it got too crowded.

a crack, break, or division in something, especially one that separates it into two equal parts;

e.g. There is a split in the bag from when he dropped it.

the action of breaking or dividing/separating something into parts, especially into equal portions, or each of the parts thus formed;

e.g. She made a neat split of the apple using a sharp knife. They are on opposite sides of the split in the political party.

the action or instance of placing both legs at right angles to an erect upper body, with one in front and the other behind, while sitting on the floor or leaping through the air;

e.g. Many dancers like to do a split to warm up and stretch their muscles before performing.

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