Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Cushion

a pad or pillow filled with soft material, typically used to make something more comfortable for sitting, kneeling, lying, or leaning on;

e.g. I placed a cushion on the hard wooden chair so that it was less painful to sit on for long hours.

broadly, a soft and/or elastic body meant to provide protection and/or support and reduce shock from impact;

e.g. A helmet is a cushion to protect you from injuries if you hit your head. The mat on the floor works like a cushion to make footsteps seem quieter.

broadly, something that serves to reduce the effects of a figurative impact, for example a procedure to lessen the effects of disorder or disturbance or a reserve to counter an emergency;

e.g. This treatment is a cushion that should reduce the rate at which the structure gets broke down. She bought extra food as a cushion in case more guests showed up.

to soften the impact or effect of something, to reduce the damage caused by a shock or force;

e.g. These pillows will cushion the floor in case you fall down from the ladder.

to reduce the negative impacts or effects of an event or situation;

e.g. The department kept some extra money in their budget to cushion against any potential losses.

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