Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Mist

a mass of tiny water particles floating in the atmosphere, usually near the earth's surface, similar to fog in appearance and rain in effect;

e.g. The tress were filled with mist in the morning, but it disappeared by the afternoon.

broadly, a mass of small objects or fine particles, for example droplets of condensed moisture on a surface or a cloud of floating particles;

e.g. The truck sped past, raising a mist of dust from the road.

broadly, something that causes one's vision to become blurry/hazy and unclear, either literally as a film of tears in one's eyes or figuratively as something that affects one's understanding or memory;

e.g. He blinked through the mist of tears in his eyes. She had forgotten their names because of the mist of old age.

broadly, to cover something with a mass of tiny water droplets, for example by spraying, or to become thus covered;

e.g. I used a spray bottle to mist the plants with water and fertilizer. The bathroom mirror started to mist up with steam from the hot bath.

to become blurry and unclear, either literally as to fill up with tears, describing someone's eyes, or figuratively as to become difficult to remember or understand (i.e. difficult to "see");

e.g. Her eyes started to mist when the dog died in the movie. His memories of the evening started to mist over time, until he barely remembered a thing.

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