Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Abuse

to misuse something, to use it incorrectly in a way that damages it or causes harm, or to use it for the wrong purposes or with bad intentions;

e.g. If you abuse these tools, they will break and not work properly.

to treat a person or animal badly, showing cruelty or violence in a way that causes injury or harm, often repeatedly or regularly;

e.g. He would occasionally drink too much and then abuse his children.

to use offensive and/or insulting language when speaking to or about someone;

e.g. She would often start to abuse them the minute they left the room.

the misuse of something, in the form of either incorrect use or use with corrupt or improper intent;

e.g. He tried to end his drug abuse by going to rehabilitation. Her abuse of power made the people working under her miserable.

physical mistreatment, violent and cruel treatment towards a person or animal, often on a regular basis, including sexual assault;

e.g. She suffered abuse at the hands of her husband. He subjected his dog to abuse when it didn't listen to him.

language that is offensive and insulting and that offers harsh criticism, often excessively and/or unfairly;

e.g. We were tired of accepting his verbal abuse quietly, so we ordered him to stop insulting us.

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