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Definition of Clash

a conflict or confrontation, often violent or hostile in nature,

e.g. We expect a clash between the protestors and the guards.

broadly, an instance of two or more things not agreeing or being compatible, leading to a mismatch or disagreement;

e.g. The argument was caused by a clash of opinions. There was a clash between his checked shirt and his striped pants.

a loud and harsh noise caused by metallic objects hitting against each other;

e.g. She could hear the clash of pots and pans being knocked about in the kitchen.

to be involved in a conflict or confrontation, often violent or hostile in nature;

e.g. The rival teams are scheduled to clash when they play against each other later this month. I often clash with the committee because we have different ideas of how things should be done.

broadly, to not agree or be compatible with something, for example to look ugly or harsh when placed next to each other (describing colors) or to happen at the same time (describing events);

e.g. An orange shirt might clash with green pants and be a strange outfit. I didn't want my meeting to clash with the party, so I scheduled it for earlier in the day.

to make a loud, harsh noise similar to that produced when metallic objects hit against each other;

e.g. He was tired of listening to the cymbals clash, and they were giving him a headache.

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