Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Lean

to be in a sloping/inclined position or to move/bend into such a position, either by resting against something for support or by shifting one's weight to favor one side of the body;

e.g. She tried to lean back in the chair but it tipped over. He started to lean as his sprained ankle began to hurt.

to rely on something/someone for inspiration or support;

e.g. She didn't want to lean on their work by using it for ideas all the time.

to be inclined towards a particular taste, desire, or opinion;

e.g. He had started to lean towards a career as a lawyer.

a sloping or inclined position;

e.g. The flagpole had a lean that made it look like it could fall over any minute.

thin or slender in physique, having minimal unnecessary fat, used to describe a person's body or a piece of meat;

e.g. All of the athletes were very lean and physically fit.

not involving any waste or unnecessary elements, characterized by efficiency of operation, style, or expression;

e.g. The business had a lean model of operation to keep its costs low. The office released a lean statement that provided only what information was absolutely necessary.

sparse, lacking in substance or richness, or lacking in productiveness or reward;

e.g. He has been living on a lean budget ever since he lost his job.

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