Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Trust

a belief or confidence in someone or something's ability, reliability, or truth;

e.g. I have trust in her strength and abilities.

the state of having responsibility for someone or something, i.e. the state of having been entrusted with someone/something;

e.g. I placed him in trust of my valuables while I was away.

an arrangement of property ownership in which one person acts as a nominal owner of the property for the benefit of other people;

e.g. He set up a trust for the support of people affected with the disease.

to believe or hold confidence in the truth, reliability or ability of someone/something;

e.g. I trust him and his judgement to make the right call.

to have confidence and faith in hoping, expecting, or relying on something;

e.g. I trust that you will be able to take care of yourself while I am gone.

to place something in someone's care or responsibility, i.e. to entrust them with it;

e.g. I was willing to trust my watch to him so he could use it.

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  • "Building trust begins with an appreciation and understanding of trust, but it also requires practice and practices." -- Robert C Solomon

  • "Nothing destroys trust faster than making and breaking a promise. Conversely, nothing builds trust more than keeping a promise." -- Stephen R Covey

  • "People trust more, listen more, buy more when they learn about you from someone they respect and trust." -- Jennifer Gluckow

  • "The moment there is suspicion about a person's motive, everything he does becomes tainted." -- Mahatma Gandhi

  • "You can't ask people to trust you. It has to be earned by the things you do." -- Jeffrey Gitomer


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