Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Appeal

to make a serious and heartfelt request, especially regarding some urgent matter;

e.g. They joined together to appeal for better working conditions.

to rouse someone to make a statement/decision or perform some action;

e.g. i tried to appeal to his sense of reason to stop him from taking that course of action.

in legal usage, to consult a higher court in order to seek their opinion on or apply for the review/reversal of a lower court's decision;

e.g. They decided to appeal the judge's verdict.

to appear interesting and/or attractive to someone;

e.g. All of these dresses appeal to her, so she is struggling to decide which one to buy.

a serious and heartfelt request or plea, especially regarding some urgent matter, and often calling on a particular principle in order to persuade someone to do something;

e.g. This is an appeal to your sense of justice.

an instance of applying for someone's decision, opinion, or contribution (especially in terms of donated funds);

e.g. They ignored her appeal for more funding for her project.

the legal process/procedure of taking the decision of a lower court before a higher court in order to seek its review or reversal;

e.g. They will be attending the appeal of the court case tomorrow.

the quality of being interesting and/or attractive to someone;

e.g. This sport has great popular appeal since everyone finds it fun to watch.

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